You'll get 404 errors if you've deleted or removed pages from your site recently without redirecting their URLs. 404 errors can also occur if you've relaunched or transferred your domain and failed to redirect all your old URLs to the new site. Sometimes 404 errors can be the result of changing a page's URL. Lire la suite
Windows 11 is available only as a 64-bit OS for 64-bit CPUs (32-bit Windows apps will continue to be supported, however). Lire la suite
Try some of these email username ideas to find an available email address that incorporates your name:
- Use the first letter of your first name together with your full last name; e.g. j.smith.
- Include your middle name; e.g. john.
- Use a nickname plus your last name; e.g. johnny.
- Switch around the word order; e.g. smith.
The name people use to identify themselves when logging into a computer system or online service. In most situations, both a username (user ID) and password are required.In an Internet email address, the username is the left part before the @ sign. For example, KARENB is the username in [email protected]. Lire la suite
Types of Web Browser
- WorldWideWeb. The first web browser ever.
- Mosaic. It was launched in 1993.
- Netscape Navigator. It was released in 1994.
- Internet Explorer. It was launched in 1995 by Microsoft.
- Firefox. It was introduced in 2002 and was developed by Mozilla Foundation.
- Google Chrome. It was launched in 2008 by Google.
Types of Web Browser
- WorldWideWeb. The first web browser ever.
- Mosaic. It was launched in 1993.
- Netscape Navigator. It was released in 1994.
- Internet Explorer. It was launched in 1995 by Microsoft.
- Firefox. It was introduced in 2002 and was developed by Mozilla Foundation.
- Google Chrome. It was launched in 2008 by Google.
Below are seven tips on how to write effective push notifications that won't turn your customers away.
- Tip #1: Keep your push notification short and to the point.
- Tip #4: Pump it up with more than just text.
- Tip #5: Emotions matter in your push notification.
- Tip #6: Ask questions.
- Tip #7: Be a problem solver.
Export your animated GIF: Choose File -- Export Save for Web (legacy). Choose GIF as the format from the top right side of the Save for Web dialog box. Make sure Looping Options is set to "Forever" on the bottom right, click Save, and choose a location. That's it! Lire la suite
What is the best audio format for sound quality? A lossless audio file format is the best format for sound quality. These include FLAC, WAV, or AIFF. These types of files are considered “hi-res” because they are better or equal to CD-quality. Lire la suite
Lossless and lossy file compression describe whether all original data can be recovered when the file is uncompressed. With lossless compression, every bit of data originally in a file remains after it is uncompressed, and all the information is restored. Lire la suite